الخميس، 4 نوفمبر 2010

Always Wear Your Seatbelt

“Always Wear Your Seatbelt” is an amazing commercial that struck me. In this creative commercial, they joined both emotional and technical sides to touch our hearts. It plays with our feelings by create a family environment and how the wife and her daughter were afraid of losing her husband or father suddenly. Also, it perfectly affects on us intellectually. The man in the commercial is sitting on a table like if he is in a car. He plays a driver role. Also, the scattered papers have a sweet touch. This small sweet touch makes imagining the situation by picturing the car broken glasses.

 I really liked the commercial, especially when the wife and the daughter run to save her husband or father by their lives. They want to save his life against their lives. Honestly, this scene made tears glistening in my eyes.